Title: Jesus Our Baptizer
Date: Dec 17, 2006
Location: RSGM
Text: Matthew 3:11, Acts 1:5, 8
- this is the third week of Advent
- first week - Jesus Our King
- second week - Jesus Our Healer
- third week, today - Jesus Our Baptizer
1. Jesus Came To Heal Our Relationship With God
- man was created with a need for closeness with God
- through choosing to sin, man chose to live his own life, in isolation
- there was a break in that relationship
- Jesus came to restore the relationship man had previously had with God
- Jesus was baptized as an example for us
- when he was baptized, the Holy Spirit anointed him for his task, the mission upon which he had been sent
2. Jesus Showed Us How
- Jesus did nothing of himself
- he was in constant relationship with the Father
- he did things as the Father showed him
- for 3-1/2 years he showed the disciples how a person filled with the Holy Spirit, lives in relationship with God, and conducts his life
- he was an example to us
3. Jesus Made It Possible
- having shown how to live in relationship, he now makes it possible
- died on the cross so our debt could be satisfied and our old way forgiven
- he was resurrected so we would not have a dead Savior but one who is alive and living in us
- Father Son and Holy Spirit came to dwell in us
- Revelation 21:3 "The tabernacle of God came to dwell with man"
- while there is a future fulfillment of this, it has already happened for those who have accepted God into their heart
- now our relationship with God has been restored
4. Jesus Gave Us A Mission
- the purpose for that relationship was the mission God gave us
- Adam's mission was to exercise God's dominion over the earth
- we too have been given a mission
- just as the Father sent Jesus to minister healing and reconciliation, Jesus sent us to continue that mission
- John 20:21 "As the Father sent me, I send you"
- just as Jesus had to be anointed for his task, we too need the empowerment of the Holy Spirit
- the reason the discoiples were told to wait in Jerusalem was to wait for the promise
- Acts 1:8 ". . . but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you . . ."
- In Acts 2 we read how the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost
- Peter who denied Christ 3 times, preaches his first powerful sermon
- the Gospel is preached throughout the world
- This is the result of Jesus coming as our Baptizer
- Matthew 3:11 ". . . He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire"
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