Sunday, January 7, 2007

A Message From Hell - Luke 16:19-31

Title: A Message From Hell
Date: January 7, 2007
Location: RSGM
Verse: Luke 16:19-31


- CB radio message - Mayday - we are sinking!
- Luke 16:19-31 - Lazarus and the rich man
- Lazarus utters a cry for help from hell!

1. Lazarus Is A Man In Torment (verses 23-24)

- "Torment" here means agony, intense pain, anguish, being in distress, tortured
- we don't often talk about the torment of hell, not a favorite subject. But Jesus did!
- Matthew 13:41-43 - "furnace of fire", "wailing and gnashing of teeth"
- Matthew 22:13 - "outer darkness", "weeping and gnashing of teeth"
- Matthew 25:30 - "outer darkness", "weeping, gnashing of teeth"
- Revelation 14:11 - "tormented with fire and brimstone", "smoke of their torment ascends for ever", "no rest day or night"
- this rich man had died, and was now in agony!

2. Today is the day of salvation! (verse 25)

- during your life is all the time you get, to set the course of your life
- John 9:4 - ". . . while it is day"
- Ecclesiates 9:10 - "there is no work or . . . knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going"
- 2 Corinthians 6:2 - ". . . behold, now is the day of salvation"
- Romans 2:4 - ". . . do you despise the riches of his goodness, forbearance and longsuffering . . .?"
- don't take God's patience lightly!

3. No More Rescue Was Possible (verse 26)

- when we come to Jesus we leave the kingdom of darkness
- there is a big difference between living one way, and living the other
- similarly there is a big difference between heaven and hell
- heaven is a place of blessing and opportunity, hell is a place of punishment
- once we die, it is not possible to move from one to the other
- it has been our own choice


- when we die we all will be believers
- the question is, where will we be?
- 2 Corinthians 6:2 - ". . . behold, now is the day of salvation"
- today, we have the opportunity to turn and be reconciled to God

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