Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Agony of Gethsemane - Luke 22:39-46

Title: The agony of Gethsemane
Date: July 19, 2009
Text: Luke22:39-46, Matt 26:36, Mark 14:32
- We do not often hear sermons about Gethsemane
- The story about Gethsemane is dark and foreboding
- There is something that is often overlooked, when it is talked about
- That is, why was Jesus in such intensity that evening, just before his arrest
- There is a lesson for us to learn
- We often focus on the intensity of Jesus’ prayer, and his agony
- But we can miss the reason for the agony
- Today we will be looking at why it was, that Jesus agonized so, about his impending crucifixion
The Last Supper
- The story starts in Luke 22:7
- Jesus sends out Peter and John to get ready to observe Passover with the disciples
- That evening they get together for the celebration of the coming out of Egypt
- Before the meal starts, Jesus washes the disciples feet, teaching them about humility and service – John 13
- Verse 14 – Jesus would be leaving them but he treasures this time of solemnity as they commemorate the exodus from slavery to the Egyptians
- At the end of the meal, he introduces what we call the Last Supper, or Communion
- Verse 19 – as we take the bread, it represents his body that was broken for us, was voluntarily given for us
- We are told to do this in remembrance of Him, to remember this selfless act of love
- Verse 20 – as we take the cup and share in this communion, we are remembering Jesus’ blood that was poured out for us
- Pictures of Jesus show a few drops of blood – they are not accurate
- Jesus poured out his blood, just like the Passover lamb they had eaten that evening, had had its throat slit and its blood soaked the ground beneath it
The teaching – John 14-17
- Jesus then teaches the disciples, these are his last words to them
- The disciples are fighting amongst themselves about who is going to be greatest
- Jesus promises them that he will send the Holy Spirit to live in everyone who believes in him
- He tells about the intimate relationship that Christians will have with God
- He calls the disciples friends, not servants as they had been as students of the rabbi
- He talks about the cost of discipleship, that the disciples will be persecuted, just as he was
- He tells Peter that he has been praying for him not to fall, but that he will deny Jesus 3 times, that night.
- Jesus prays for the disciples and prays for the unity of al, believers
- Then they sing a hymn and go out to the garden of Gethsemane
Gethsemane – Luke 22:40
- the word Gethsemane means “oil-press”
- on the west slopes of the mount of Olives, is an orchard of olive trees
- in the middle of the orchard, was an olive press. The press consisted of two parts –
- the first part was a stone table, with a gutter running around it, leading to a container underneath
- the second part was a huge square stone pillar, five feet high
- when they used the oil press, they would place the olives into netting so they would not fall out. They would place them on the table. Then they would lift up the huge stone pillar and place it on top of the olives.
- The enormous pressure caused the olives to be squeezed, and the olive oil would run across the table, down into the gutter, and then into the container underneath
What Jesus experienced
- Matt 26:37-38 – began to be sorrowful and troubled – overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death
- Mark 14:33-34 – deeply distressed and troubled – overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death
- Luke 22:43 – and angel comes to strengthen him
- Now he is in anguish – prays even more intensely
- His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground
- I have never sweated blood
- None of us
- Jesus was not a wimp that he was so scared of what was coming, as to sweat blood
- Plenty of people have had courage, while facing death – Jesus was not a coward
- Jesus now started carrying the sins of the world
- Gal 1:3-4 – Gave himself for our sins
- 1 John 2:2 – atoning sacrifice for our sins – also for the sins of the whole world
- during his time in Gethsemane, Jesus was not being tested by God, or tempted by the devil
- he was not being tempted by his flesh
- In Gethsemane, Jesus started the journey of carrying the sins of the whole world
- In Gethsemane he was in an emotional and mental oil press, squeezing the life out of him
- The stress he was under must have been incredible
- Luke was a doctor, he describes the great drops of blood he is sweating
- some of you will be baptized this afternoon
- baptism is not something to take lightly
- making that commitment before God and before witnesses is something we are instructed to do
- this sermon is intended so that you may know the enormity of the load Jesus carried, and the love he had for you personally
- we say I can’t forgive myself for what I have done
- but Jesus HAS forgiven you
- accept the gift he gives you so you can have a fresh start in life
- Isa 1:18 – Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool
- Wherever you have been, whatever you have done – Jesus carried it all for you, so that you can have a fresh beginning

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