Title: Jesus the Messiah
Date: March 10, 2008
Text: Mark 8:27-33
- Why has it been so difficult for the Jews to receive Christ?
- Why have the Jews had the Old Testament and yet have generally been unable to accept that Jesus was the expected Messiah?
- There are many reasons
- But God has not given up on the Jews
- Paul in his ministry never disowns his own heritage as a Jew
- Paul explains that a day will come when their eyes will be opened
- Romans 11:1-23
- Today we will look at some of the prophecies re the coming Messiah
Prophecies re 1st coming of Jesus
- Old Testament (written between 1450 BC and 430BC)
- Jesus’ fulfillment in the New Testament (written between 45 and 95 AD)
- The Messiah will be the offspring (descendant) of the woman (Eve) - Genesis 3:15, Galatians 4:4
- The Messiah will be a descendant of Abraham, through whom everyone on earth will be blessed - Genesis 12:3; 18:18, Acts 3:25,26
- The Messiah will be a descendant of Judah - Genesis 49:10, Matthew 1:2 and Luke 3:33
- The Messiah will be a prophet like Moses - Deuteronomy 18:15-19, Acts 3:22,23
- The Messiah will be the Son of God - Psalm 2:7, Matthew 3:17; Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22
- The Messiah will be raised from the dead (resurrected) - Psalm 16:10,11, Matthew 28:5-9; Mark 16:6; Luke 24:4-7; John 20:11-16; Acts 1:3 and 2:32
- The Messiah crucifixion experience - Psalm 22 (contains 11 prophecies—not all listed here), Matthew 27:34-50 and John 19:17-30
- The Messiah will be sneered at and mocked - Psalm 22:7, Luke 23:11,35-39
- The Messiah will be pierced through hands and feet - Psalm 22:16, Luke 23:33 and 24:36-39;John 19:18 and 20:19-20,24-27
- The Messiah’s bones will not be broken (a person’s legs were usually broken after being crucified to speed up their death) - Psalm 22:17 and 34:20, John 19:31-33,36
- Men Will Gamble for the Messiah’s clothing - Psalm 22:18, Matthew 27:35; Mark 15:24; Luke 23:34; John 19:23,24
- The Messiah will accused by false witnesses - Psalm 35:11, Matthew 26:59,60 and Mark 14:56,57
- The Messiah will be hated without a cause - Psalm 35:19 and 69:4, John 15:23-25
- The Messiah will be betrayed by a friend - Psalm 41:9, John 13:18,21
- The Messiah will ascend to heaven (at the right hand of God) - Psalm 68:18, Luke 24:51; Acts 1:9; 2:33-35; 3:20-21; 5:31,32; 7:55-56; Romans 8:34; Ephesians 1:20,21; Colossians 3:1; Hebrews 1:3; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2; 1 Pet 3:22
- The Messiah will be given vinegar and gall to drink - Psalm 69:21, Matthew 27:34; Mark 15:23; John 19:29,30
- Great kings will pay homage and tribute to the Messiah - Psalm 72:10,11, Matthew 2:1-11 - The Messiah is a “stone the builders rejected” who will become the “head cornerstone” - Psalm 118:22,23 and Isaiah 28:16, Matthew 21:42,43; Acts 4:11; Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:6-8
- The Messiah will be a descendant of David - Psalm 132:11 and Jeremiah 23:5,6; 33:15,16, Luke 1:32,33
- The Messiah will be a born of a virgin - Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 1:26-35
- The Messiah’s first spiritual work will be in Galilee - Isaiah 9:1-7, Matthew 4:12-16
- The Messiah will make the blind see, the deaf hear, etc. - Isaiah 35:5-6, Many places. Also see Matthew 11:3-6 and John 11:47
- The Messiah will be beaten, mocked, and spat upon - Isaiah 50:6, Matthew 26:67 and 27:26-31
- The “Gospel according to Isaiah” - Isaiah 52:13-53:12, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
- People will hear and not believe the “arm of the LORD” (Messiah) - Isaiah 53:1, John 12:37,38
- The Messiah will be rejected - Isaiah 53:3, Matthew 27:20-25; Mark 15:8-14; Luke 23:18-23; John 19:14,15
- The Messiah will be killed - Isaiah 53:5-9, Matthew 27:50; Mark 15:37-39; Luke 23:46; John 19:30
- The Messiah will be silent in front of his accusers - Isaiah 53:7, Matthew 26:62,63 and 27:12-14
- The Messiah will be buried with the rich - Isaiah 53:9, Matthew 27:59,60; Mark 15:46; Luke 23:52,53; John 19:38-42
- The Messiah will be crucified with criminals - Isaiah 53:12, Matthew 27:38; Mark 15:27; Luke 23:32,33
- The Messiah is part of the new and everlasting covenant - Isaiah 55:3-4 and Jeremiah 31:31-34, Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; Hebrews 8:6-13
- The Messiah will be our intercessor (intervene for us and plead on our behalf) - Isaiah 59:16, Hebrews 9:15
- The Messiah has two missions - Isaiah 61:1-3 (first mission ends at “. . . year of the LORD’s favor”) - First mission: Luke 4:16-21; Second mission: to be fulfilled at the end of the world
- The Messiah will come at a specific time - Daniel 9:25-26, Galatians 4:4 and Ephesians 1:10
- The Messiah will be born in Bethlehem - Micah 5:2, Matthew 2:1 and Luke 2:4-7
- The Messiah will enter Jerusalem riding a donkey - Zechariah 9:9, Matthew 21:1-11
- The Messiah will be sold for 30 pieces of silver - Zechariah 11:12,13, Matthew 26:15 with Matthew 27:3-10
- The Messiah will forsaken by His disciples - Zechariah 13:7, Matthew 26:31,56
- The Messiah will enter the Temple with authority - Malachi 3:1, Matthew 21:12 and Luke 19:45
(adapted from http://www.clarifyingchristianity.com/m_prophecies.shtml )
Prophecies re 2nd coming of Jesus
- Shiloh will come and people will be gathered to him - Gen. 49:10
- God will set a King in Zion, begotten by God - Psalm 2:6-9
- A future righteous King will reign, the nature of animals will change -Isaiah 11:1-6
- A King will execute judgment and justice in the earth - Jer. 23:5
- A future kingdom will be set up which will stand for ever - Daniel 2:44
- Second coming prophesied - Zech 14:3-19
- The Lord will return to Jerusalem, it will be called the city of truth - Zech 8:3
- A future repentance of the Jews - Zech 12:9-10
Jews did not understand
- John 1:9-14
- The Jews were in bondage to the Romans,
- Everywhere they looked, Roman soldiers were there
- They wanted freedom from the Romans
- They wanted Messiah to come and wipe out the Roman legions
- But they forgot that Messiah had a tender part to him
- Isa 42:3
- His first coming was with compassion, bringing healing to the people, and dying for their sins
- His second coming will be as a conquering King, restoring order into the chaos Satan has caused in this world
- The New Testament gives extensive prophecies about the second coming
- The Jews are not lost as a people
- Today, however, their eyes are still blinded to the Messiah
- One day, their eyes will be opened and we will see hundreds of thousands of Jews coming to Jesus
- Jesus Kingdom will start at Jerusalem and then extend to the rest of the world
- That mission has started in us
- Jesus has made Himself known to us and has conscripted us into his service
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