Sunday, March 16, 2008

Your King is Coming to you - Matthew 21:1-11

Title: Your King is Coming to You
Date: March 16, 2008
Text: Zechariah 9:9, Matthew 21:1-11


- today is one week before Easter, Palm Sunday
- on this day, 1,977 years ago, Jesus fulfilled a prophecy
- Zech 9:9-" Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation,
Lowly and riding on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey."
- this was a prophecy of the King, the Messiah, coming on a donkey
- Mat 21:1-11
- he was a king, yet riding a lowly donkey
- he even told the disciples to ask for permission to use the donkey
- this symbolized Jesus coming in humility and meekness
- not as a conqueror, but as the Lamb ready to be slain
- later, when Messiah comes again, he will come as a conquering king
- but at this time, the King comes on a donkey

The people's perspective

- the people welcomed their Messiah
- they wanted to be rid of their Roman conquerors
- they were looking for someone to solve their problems and bring healing to their wounds
- they saw that Jesus had the power and the integrity to bring change into their situation
- but they were fickle
- just one week later they were crying out, "Crucify him, crucify him!"
- popular opinion changes from moment to moment
- most people are looking for a quick fix, an easy solution
- they would like someone to step in and bring instant healing in their lives
- they want a king but on their own terms
- they do not look forward to a lifetime of discipleship, learning to be obedient
- many of the Jews were not ready for life-change
- towards the end of Jesus' ministry, many forsook him
- the words he spoke were too radical
- he said to them, eat of my body, it is the bread of life

The leaders' perspective

- the leaders of the Jews did not want Jesus around
- they were not a part of the throhgs that welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem
- they were too busy trying to maintain their positions as rulers under the Romans
- they did not want an upstart prophet to upset their applecart
- they felt they had it all together
- they did not need someone to show them their sins and require them to change
- they instead wanted stability, they wanted to maintain the status quo
- they were happy enough that the Romans were there, it gave them power
- they could not handle an upstart Jew from Galilee
- one who dared to step in and rid the temple of money changers and businessmen
- 5 days later they crucified him

Jesus' perspective

- God knows what is in man's heart
- God knew how the people were thinking
- He knew that they were not yet ready for life-change
- that is why Jesus spoke in parables to them, they were not ready to change
- if they had fully understood what he was saying, they would be accountable
- so he veiled the meaning in stories, so they would later have the chance to turn around
- he knew what their hearts were like
- that is why Jesus came
- he came to be a sacrificial lamb, to pay for their sins
- he did this so that the way would be open for them to change their ways
- he wanted so badly to give people a fresh start
- the people are shouting Hosannah, which means "the one who comes to save or liberate"
- they are looking for a deliverer who will set their nation free
- but Jesus knows that true freedom starts within
- true freedom comes when past guilt is washed away, and people can start afresh
- in just five days, he would be paying the price to make that possible

What is our perspective?

- are we looking for a Savior who will take care of our physical needs?
- one who will heal us of our sicknesses?
- who will take care of our addictions?
- who will provide for our needs?
- who will get us a job, or send us the perfect wife or husband?
- while we continue to live our old ways
- while we refuse to forgive those who have sinned against us
- while we hang onto that bitterness about something that happened long ago
- or are we looking for a Savior who paid the price to forgive us of our sins?
- One who gives us a fresh start, so we can live life the way it was intended?
- One who sends us the Holy Spirit so that we can do battle against our old ways?
- One who gives us the power to be able to reach others with the good news?
- One who teaches us by his example to live for others and not for ourselves?
- what is our perspective?


- Jesus offers us a choice
- on the one hand, he offers us a fresh start, clean and pure
- on the other hand, we can hang onto our old ways, do the same things, and reap the same consequences
- choosing the one means we will be embarking on a journey of life-change
- choosing the other is easier, but will result in the misery that brought us here
- he says to us, "Choose life!"

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